About Us

FEDECOOP ( Baja California Regional Federation of Fishing Industry Cooperatives ) was founded in 1940, currently it is integrated by 14 fishing cooperatives with more than 70 years operating in the Baja California Peninsula coast in Mexico. There are more than 1,200 members of these cooperatives all of them are coastal fisherman. Our organization maintain a high commitment and responsibility in the development of a sustainable and eco friendly fishing process.


Represent our affiliates cooperatives interests, promoting a sustainable management of its marine resources, its industrialization and commercialization, according with the principals international standards, always trying to improve the quality of life of the cooperatives fisherman and her family.

Our vision is to be a leading organization at national and international levels in the fishing cooperative system, in strict adherence to standards of conservation and preservation, ensure sustenance for future generations.

Los valores que guían el accionar diario de nuestra Organización son:
• Commitment
• Ethic
• Excellence
• Loyalty
• Responsibility
• Quality
• Honesty
• Team Work
• Creativity

We carry out domestic and international shipments, whether by land, air or sea.

Domestic: Tijuana International Airpot (TIJ)
International: Los Angeles International Airpot (LAX)

Maritime Shipment:
Via Ensenada Port through local cargo container companies.
• 13 Tons / 20 dry container.
• 22 Tons / 40 dry container / 40 frozen.
Our experience is large in capture, handling, packing and shipping marine products from Baja California, Mexico since 1940. We offer a selection of top quality marine products that make us hard to be surpass. FEDECOOP posses its own trade brand call Rey del Mar which is high recognized and appreciated in the top markets from all over the world, as well as California Mexico brand in partnership with South China Sea Farm (only for abalone).

For FEDECOOP members it is a top priority to satisfy our customer demands for this reason you can be sure that your order will be shipped on time according with your requirements.

FEDECOOP cooperatives holding a long term license that allow them make use of the most value fishing resources in the area that cooperatives operate, such as abalone, Red Spiny Lobster, top shell, seaweed, sea cucumber, octopus, oysters and different fish species.

Our facilities are equipped with the latest technology which warranting the operation of different production lines to manipulate live species or process them such as canned and vacuum packing products.
We have different types of certifications that validate our operations. Our processing plants operate under HACCP standards. In addition, we are proud to be the first Latin-American organization to obtain MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certification for the Red Spiny Lobster fishery. This allow our products to reach the top markets around the world and make FEDECOOP a strong competitor in its industry.

Have Questions?

We will attend you as soon as posible.!

Send us a message

Email. comercial.fedbc@prodigy.net.mx

Phone. +52 646 176 15 91 | 176 20 76

Find Us

Calle segunda y Soto No. 283
Ensenada B.C. México C.P. 22830

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