
The Red Spiny Lobster specie habitad is distributed in the Pacific Ocean coast from San Luis Obispo, California (USA) to Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur (Mexico).

Fishing technique

Lobster trap according with Mexican law ``NOM-006-PESC-2007.


The season is establish from September 1st to March 31 and its divided in 3 capture zones.

Red Spiny Lobster


Spanish Name: Langosta Roja
Family: Palinuridae
Scientific name: Panulirus Interruptus
Minimum Capture : Size: 82.5 mm of cefalotorax length.
Anual Production: 1,400 tons
Product Presentation: Live, Raw Frozen, Cooked Frozen.
Eco certification: MSC (Marine Stewardship Council)
Marca de producto: Rey del Mar

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